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Seine Regierungsmannschaft hat Trump fast komplett jijammen. Loyalists have Schlüsselpositionen, other Nominees since Signale für innerparteiliche Fraktionen. Eines wird deutlich: Der kommende US-Präsident will brechen Widerstände.
A month after the turnaround in the fight against the American Democrats in the war and the Republikaner prepared themselves for power in January last. Donald Trump touts a gift that was delivered a while ago, and the US took action over the years. The next test of the American president that Borders has done is that it is true, that it is bad.
Trump made phone calls to other secretaries of state while he was working with French President Emmanuel Macron, who was traveling to Paris at the Wiedereröffnung of the Notre-Dame Cathedral. But that’s all for Garnitur. Trump demonstrates his power when he does not want to: his position is an ideological culture and loyalists, while others dispel the inner fragmentation, the fragmentation would operate, which hints that he has been realized.
Trumps have had a number of appointments: the ministry and administration, the conspirators and the best, expected structures run by women. Trump and his father have the “Deep State”, the state, or the Sumpf; an English, German Elite from Unternehmen, Interessengruppen and Politikern, who has his money in Washington. The core is a fragment that exercises power and authority over national direction. A Conflict, so whoever the US is.
The most important posts for Trump are the State Department, the judicial investigation and the leadership of the Secret Service, the historian and political scientist Geoffrey Kabaservice of the Niskanen Center in Washington: “The fact is that it will happen in the first place that the American government has more and more insight into its own affairs, and that is what it means.” If Trump is seen by the Deep State, “all the wonderful things that will be in the first American era will be hindered.” Solchen Widerstand sollen seine ausführenden Minister dies Mal verhindern.
The Senate has received the best Trump nomination, and it is not certain that he will die in any case. The high level Matt Gaetz is in is a tribute to his expectations. The Abgeordnete war as Justice Minister and Generalstaatssanwalt-vorgesehen, verzichte aber, as my Sex-Vorwürfe um the Ohren flew and the Kollegin Marjorie Taylor Greene drohte, Sexskandale other Kongressmitglieder offenzulegen. Trump wants to get rid of them, under the influence of the senators weiterhin with as many candidates as possible. Nun Pamela Bondi has been nominated for Gaetz. “If we were from the MAGA-Welt, and if everything had the power, Trump was in his heart,” Kabaservice said.
The only minister, who is no longer in the permanent political battle, which wanders into Anklagen and Gerichtsverfahren, is Trump’s Wunschkandidat as chief of the FBI: Kash Patel. The deferred scepter of the secret service is able to flee. Let the hat run for a while before turning off the controls. She is officially responsible for ministerial responsibility.
Ganz in the Trump appeal document had the Wunschkandidat Patel poltert for his Monaten-poltert, it was said “the FBI Main Quarter has been closed first, and is now working on the Museum of the Deep State”. Those 7,000 people “were living in the whole country, and were breeding insects”. If we fall under polemic, the discussion about a new headquarters will last longer in the gang; At some point, the further way out of Washington, DC is time in the new white houses.
We still believe that Trump came to power through the FBI, or that he is civilized with zweifelhaften refugees, one of his affairs and the spread of his las. Patel war in Trump’s first direction of the high rank and where a willfähriger assistant would be. Derzeit was sold in a different way on January 6, 2021 in the legal field, the sale of Trump merchandise to the children’s books, in the fact that Zauberer is aware and Trump as “King Donald” is in charge of Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Check out the FBI chiefs for their year on the team, that’s their only problem. Not so with Trump. The Republican put on the active head of Mr. Christopher Wray during 2017, after James Comey dethroned the chairman in 2017, was very pleased and certainly worth it. Auch von Wray hates Trump insultingly. Trump “became provocative by his candidates,” said he acquired qualifications, “there became his personal loyalty and lust for confrontation,” said Senate Republican chief Gregg Nunziata of the “New York Times” .
Damit wolle der Republikaner anscheinend test, how we can do it, before the Widerstand is gibt. It’s worth getting Pete Hegseth’s appointment as Defense Minister. He was born with the words of his own Mutter des “missbräuchlichen Verhaltens” gegenüber Frauen bezichten. The Fernsehmoderator, the Christian extremists in the Verbindung have ensured that not the best sales heit was created, one of the US government bonds that achieve their goal.
For a job at the republican Haus-und-Hof-Sender Fox News there are ways more extreme Trunkenheit, sexual sexual relations with entrepreneurs and private pampering of Geldern as chef of two different NGOs for veterans who earn their money. This message comes from the documents, after the message from the US-Magazin “New Yorker”. Hegseth has taken over Capitol Hill and hurt the senators, allowing his political schicks to withdraw. If you apply yourself to the Kabaservice of Fragen in the best way, you will see the ways of the refinancing service “of the Ministerium, and the well-being that it brings, is a divorce, that general schlecht and a failure under your lost will” .
It is now part of the military war battle that Trump is there. Do you bring the general knowledge of your goal, who is there, and you will fight, at the Streitkraften etwas mit DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Überbegriff für Antidiskriminierungsmaßnahmen, Anm. d. Ed.) zu tun hat? Sollte Hegseth noch scheitern, erwägt Trump Mediaenberichts zufolge, stattdessen Ron DeSantis vorzuschlagen – auch the Governor of the US-Federal State of Florida is a culture that is drowning in the republican Vorwahlen, Trump inhaltlich right zu überholen.
The senators of the parties have implemented their Muskeln policy. And if Trump enters the fray, he will place more value on the greatest Gaetz – and the last time he does so. Or like Trump’s Wunsch candidate Rick Scott as Mehrheitsführer lies and expresses his statistics for John Thune. If you want to look at the rest of the list again, there is no one to take on Trump – if the president is a president, he will be rebuked with all the hearts. A test has been done with the appointment of one of the own Borders: more writing and at Widerstand wieder a Stück zurück. Overwriting is possible.
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